Carsten Jahnke
Dr. phil habil.
Associate Professor for Medieval History, SAXO-Institute, University of Copenhagen

Carsten Jahnke (photo by Rolf Hammel-Kiesow)
From 1989 until 1998 I have studied History, German Literature, German Language, Philosophy and Education Science at Kiel University and have finished my studies in 1998 with my phd-thesis about ”Heringsfang und -handel im Ostseeraum des Mittelalters”. In 1998 and 1999, I was at the Archives of the county of Western Pomerania in Greifswald and holder of a scholarship of the German Research Council (Deutsche Forschungs-Gemeinschaft, DFG). In 2000, I became Assistant Professor at the Historical Institute, Kiel University, department for the history of Slesvig and Holstein and have, in 2004, defended my Postdoctoral Lecture Qualification (germ. „Habilitation“) at Kiel University, with the postdoctoral thesis „Netzwerke in Handel und Kommunikation an der Wende vom 15. zum 16. Jahrhundert am Beispiel zweier Revaler Kaufleute“ and the scientific paper „Borussifizierung des schleswig-holsteinischen Geschichtsbewußtseins, 1866-1889“. I have a venia legendi for medieval and modern history. Since 2004 I have been at the SAXO institute, first as an Assistant Professor and since 2008 as Associate Professor.
The most relevant publications:
Carsten Jahnke, 2015, The Baltic Trade, in: A companion to the Hanseatic League, ed. by Donald J. Harreld, Leiden 2015. Brill’s Companions to European History, Vol. 8, pp. 194-240, 47 pp.
Carsten Jahnke, 2014, Die Hanse, Stuttgart.
Carsten Jahnke, 2013, The city of Lübeck and the Internationality of Early Medieval trade, in: The Hanse in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, ed. by Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz and Stuart Jenks, Leiden 2013. The Northern World, Vol. 60, s. 37-58, 22 pp.
Carsten Jahnke, 2010, Handelsnetze im Ostseeraum, in: Netzwerke im Europäischen Handel des Mittelalters, ed. by Gerhard Fouquet and Hans-Jörg Gilomen, Ostfildern 2010, Vorträge und Forschungen, Vol. LXXII, pp. 189-212, 24 pp.
Carsten Jahnke, 2010, De Hanze en de Europese economie in de middeleeuwen, in: Koggen, Kooplieden en Kantoren. De Hanze, een praktisch netwerk, ed. by Hanno Brand and Egge Knol, Hilversum, Groningen2, Groninger Hanze Studies, Del 4, pp. 44-61, 18 pp.