Bo Fritzbøger
Associate professor, The Saxo Institute, University of Copenhagen

Bo Fritzbøger (photo by Mads Christoffersen)
As environmental historian, Bo has for more than thirty years specialized in the history of landscapes and natural resource management and perception in Denmark. His research has covered the period from the Middle Ages to the Present, and woodland as well as wood production and consumption has been his enduring interest. He has more than twenty years of experience in teaching students from both the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Science at university level (BA, MA and PhD) and a considerable list of academic and broadly disseminating publications. Finally, he has substantial experience from several university leadership functions and practical knowledge from participation in a number of major research projects of the specific challenges of multidisciplinarity.
Relevant publications
State Forestry in Denmark from the Late Eighteenth to the Early Twenty-First Century, in K. Jan Oosthoek and Richard Hölzl (eds.): Managing Northern Europe's Forests: Histories from the Age of Improvement to the Age of Ecology, Berghahn Books 2018, pp. 166-200
Revitalisation of common use in management of modern multifunctional landscapes, Landscape Research, bind 37, nr. 6, 2012, pp. 637-657 (with Vejre, H, Abildtrup, J, Kærgård, N, Busck, AG & Olsen, SB)
Retrospective landscape analysis: Horns and Voldborg districts c. AD 1150-1850, in L Boye (red.), The Iron Age on Zealand. Status and Perspectives. The Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries, Nordiske Fortidsminder, bind. Serie C, vol. 8, 2011, pp. 41-50
A Windfall for the Magnates. The Development of Woodland Ownership in Denmark c. 1150-1830, Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2004 (432 p.)
Long term landscape dynamics - a 300-years, case study from Denmark. Geografisk Tidsskrift. Special Issue, 3, pp. 13-27, 2002 (with O. H. Caspersen)
Forest Legislation and Management in Scandinavia, 1660-1850: Natural resources between market economy and conservation, Jahrbuch für europäische Verwaltungsgeschichte, nr. 11, 1999, s. 87-109.