Rune Iversen

Rune Iversen

Associate Professor - Promotion Programme


2014       PhD, Saxo Institute, section of Archaeology, UCPH.

2007 in Prehistoric Archaeology, Saxo Institute, UCPH.


2024       Associate professor - promotion programme, Saxo Institute, Archaeology, UCPH.

2020       Associate professor, Saxo Institute, Archaeology, UCPH.

2015-20  Tenure track Assistant professor, Saxo Institute, Archaeology, UCPH.

2015       Postdoc, Saxo Institute, Archaeology, UCPH.

2014-15  External lecturer, Saxo Institute, section of Archaeology, UCPH.

2014       Archaeologist, Museum Nordsjælland, Denmark.

2010-14  PhD candidate, Saxo Institute, section of Archaeology, UCPH.

2007-10  Museum curator, Kroppedal Museum, Denmark.

Fellowships and grants

2023         Independent Research Fund Denmark, Journals | Humanities - Funding of Danish Journal of Archaeology.

2021         The Carlsberg Foundation Semper Ardens Accelerate  – A World without Images: Uncovering the absence of figurative representations in Early Neolithic Northern Europe.

2020         Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) Research Project 2 – Deep histories of migration: the early Neolithic around the North Sea.

2015         Postdoc fellowship, the VELUX Foundation/Museum Østjylland.

2010         Individual PhD fellowship, Independent Research Fund Denmark.

2005-15    Various smaller grants received from: Dronning Margrethe II’s Arkæologiske Fond, Farumgaard-Fonden, Lillian og Dan Finks Fond etc.  

Editorships and Reviewing Activities

Editor at Danish Journal of Archaeology since 2016.

Member of PhD Assessment Committee, University of Olso, 2021/22.

Reviewer of grant applications for the National Science Centre Poland (NCN), executive agency of the Polish Ministry for Science and Higher Education, 2019 and 2020.

Editorial Board, SKALK, Forlaget Wormianum, since 2019.

Co-editor, British Archaeological Reports (BAR), International Series, vol. 2888, in 2018.

Peer reviewer for the journals: Antiquity, Cambridge Archaeological Journal; Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, PLOS ONE; Germania; European Journal of Archaeology; Acta Archaeologica; Journal of Neolithic Archaeology; Current Swedish Archaeology; Danish Journal of Archaeology; Aarbøger for nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie; Kuml; Gefjon; By, Marsk og Geest. Besides, peer reviewer of various proceedings.

Institutional Responsibilities

Member of steering committee for UCPH School of Archaeology, 2022-

Head of programme, Prehistoric Archaeology, 2022-.

Chair of PhD Assessment Commitee, 2021/22.

Member of study programme committee for a new BA education at archaeology, Saxo Institute 2021.

Member of educational evaluation committee for Prehistoric Archaeology, Saxo Institute 2020.

Member of assessment committee of PhD applications, Saxo Institute, 2019 and 2020.

Member of study programme committee for a new MA education at prehistoric archaeology, Saxo Institute 2017.

Member of Research Committee, Saxo Institute, UCPH, 2016-19.

Substitute member, Board of Studies, Saxo Institute, UCPH, since 2016.

PhD student representative, Research Committee, Saxo Institute, UCPH, 2012-13

Substitute member, PhD Committee, Faculty of Humanities, UCPH, 2010-11.

Positions of trust outside UCPH

Member of Advisory Board (AAG – Arkæologisk Arbejdsgruppe), The Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces, Ministry of Culture,  2016-2022.

Member of Steering Committee for establishing a national fond to protect threatened ancient monuments. The Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces, Ministry of Culture. 2016.

Member of Expert Group advancing archaeological strategies for the excavation of Neolithic sites. The Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces, Ministry of Culture, since 2014.

Chairman, local section of Danish Association of MAs and PhDs, Kroppedal Museum, 2010.

ID: 1800807