Gunvor Simonsen

Gunvor Simonsen

Associate Professor - Promotion Programme

  1. Kærlighed og konflikt i Dansk Vestindien

    Simonsen, Gunvor, 2007, In: Noter / Historielærerforeningen for Gymnasiet og HF. 175, p. 26-31 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleCommunication

  2. Anmeldelse af Danish Sources for the History of Ghana 1657 - 1754, red. Ole Justesen

    Simonsen, Gunvor, 2007, In: 1066 Tidsskrift for Historie. 37, 4, p. 42-43 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalLiterature reviewResearch

  3. Slave Stories: Gender, Representation and the Court in the Danish West Indies, 1780s - 1820s

    Simonsen, Gunvor, 2007, The European University Institute. 295 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportPh.D. thesisResearch

  4. Ingen børnepenge i Dansk Vestindien

    Simonsen, Gunvor, 2007, In: Dansk vestindisk selskabs blad. 42, 4, p. 20-23 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleCommunication

  5. Anmeldelse af S.D. Smiths: Slavery, Family and Gentry Capitalism in the British Atlantic. The World of the Lascelles, 1648 - 1834

    Simonsen, Gunvor, 2007, In: Nyt fra Historien. 2

    Research output: Contribution to journalLiterature reviewResearch

  6. En god sag med en dårlig smag

    Simonsen, Gunvor, 2007, In: 1066 Tidsskrift for Historie. 37, 3, 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleCommunication

ID: 964472