Casper Sylvest

Casper Sylvest

Head of Department

Academic positions

2023- : Professor and Head of Institute, Aug-
Saxo Institute, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark

2023-2023: Professor of Modern History, Feb-Aug
Department of Language, Culture, History and Communication
University of Southern Denmark (SDU)

2013-2023: Associate Professor
Department of History, SDU

2009-2013: Associate Professor
Department of Political Science, SDU

2007-2009: Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science, SDU

2006-2007: Temporary Lecturer
Department of Political Science, SDU



2007: PhD, History, 2007 (Conferred 2008), History Faculty, University of Cambridge, UK

2003: MA Political Science (cand.scient.pol.), Department of Political Science, UCPH

2002: MPhil International Relations, Centre for International Studies, University of Cambridge, UK                                      


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