Maria Joanna Mossakowska

Maria Joanna Mossakowska

Guest researcher, Research Assistant

Knowledge of languages

My current research focuses on the material culture of Egypt from the Ptolemaic period to early Arab period, especially on lighting instruments, glass objects, and textiles. My studies are interdisciplinary, combining Greek lexicographical research with archaeological data, and historical and social background.

I have written a monograph, many articles, conference papers, and book chapters concerning various branches of Egyptian material culture, as well as different aspects of everyday life of Egyptian monks

I completed my studies in Mediterranean archaeology at the University of Warsaw (1993: Master degree; 2006: Doctoral thesis). I have been trained as an archaeologist and historian. I was also introduced to the study of Greek papyrology.

During my career, I have worked in Poland, Egypt and Denmark: National Museum of Warsaw (1993-1999): Assistant Curator, Department of Oriental Christian Art; French Institute of Oriental Archaeology in Cairo (IFAO): Research Fellow (1999-2016), and University of Copenhagen: Saxo Institute – CTR: Post-doc. Research Fellow (since 2017).

Major Leadership of Research Projects

• Leader of the project EGYPTIAN FABRICS: ‘How to redefine textiles from the 1st Millennium AD at the National Museum of Denmark’: (since 1/8/2021), as a Guest Researcher at the University of Copenhagen-CTR, in collaboration with the National Museum of Denmark. The project funded by Agnes Geijers Fond. Individual grant.

• Leader of the project RECONTEXT: ‘Reconstructing the history of Egyptian textiles from the 1st Millennium AD at the National Museum of Denmark’: (1/5/2021–30/1/2023), University of Copenhagen- CTR, in collaboration with the National Museum of Denmark. The project funded by Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond and Beckett-Fonden. 10 collaborators.

• Leader of the project MONTEX: ‘Monks, Nuns and Textiles: Production, Circulation, and Distribution of Textiles in the Monastic Environment in Egypt (4th-8th Centuries AD), (1/1/2017–2/10/2020), University of Copenhagen- CTR, Individual Fellowship: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.

• Leader co-jointly with P. Ballet (University Paris 10) and V. Schram (CNRS) of the project: Realia d’Égypte de l’époque ptolémaïque aux débuts de l’Islam : mots et mobiliers / Realia of Egypt; from the Ptolemaic period to early Arab period: words and objects (since 2022), IFAO /  University Paris 10/ CNRS

• Leader co-jointly with P. Ballet (University Paris 10) and J.-L. Fournet (Collège de France) of the project Contextes et mobiliers. De l’époque hellénistique à la période mamelouke. Approches archéologiques, historiques et anthropologiques / Context and material: from the Hellenistic to the Mamluk period. Archaeological, historical and anthropological approaches.  Part II (2017-2021), IFAO / University of Poitiers / University Paris 10/ Collège de France:

• Scientific coordinator of the project Contextes et mobiliers / Context and material. Part I, (2012-2016), IFAO / University of Poitiers / University Paris 10: project directed by P. Ballet (University Paris 10) and J.-L. Fournet (Collège de France):

• Scientific coordinator of the project Objets d'Égypte. Corpus pour une histoire économique et sociale (Ier-XVe siècles) / Egyptian artefacts. Corpus for an economic and social history (1st to 15th centuries), (2008-2011), IFAO; project directed by S. Denoix (IFAO/ CNRS):

• Leader co-jointly with O. Delouis (CNRS) and A. Peters-Custot (University of Nantes) of the project: Les moines autour de la Méditerranée : contacts, échanges, influences entre Orient et Occident de l'Antiquité tardive au Moyen Âge (IVe-XVe siècle) / Monks around the Mediterranean: Contacts, exchange, and influences between East and West from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages (4th to 15th centuries), (2012-2016), IFAO / French Archaeological School in Athens (EFA) / French Archaeological School in Rome (EFR), University of Nantes, CNRS:

• Leader co-jointly with O. Delouis (CNRS) La vie quotidienne des moines en Orient et en Occident (IVe-Xe siècle) / The daily life of monks in East and West (4th to 10th centuries), (2008-2011), IFAO / EFA / CNRS:

• Leader co-jointly with A. Boud’hors (CNRS) and E. Wipszycka (University of Warsaw), 'Vocabulaire concernant le cadre matériel de la vie quotidienne des moines en Égypte/ Vocabulary concerning the material framework of the daily life of monks in Egypt, (2004-2007), IFAO.



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