The King and the Period from the Declaration of the Un-yielding Fight to the Colonels' Coup in Greece in 1967 

Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

Mogens Pelt - Lecturer

 This paper will investigate the role of the Palace in the political process. It will focus on the period from 1961 to 1967 and discuss the relations of that institution with the political world, in particular vis-à-vis the two other institutions that played an important role in post-war Greek politics, namely the army and the elected government. It will discuss the factors which determined the stances that the Palace took during this period and the way in which these choices conditioned its abilities to cope with the crisis of the 1960´s, and, ultimately, its failure to survive the repercussion of that decade. It also intends consider what other options the King could possible have chosen during the course of events and - if possible - determine why he made the choices he did. Here it is particularly interesting to discuss what role the political persona of the King played and what role Palace tradition had.
6 May 2008

Event (Conference)

TitleThe King and the Period from the Declaration of the Un-yielding Fight to the Colonels' Coup in Greece in 1967<strong> </strong>

ID: 6128151