Saxo researcher receives Elite Research travel grant
Today, Vivi Lena Andersen, PhD Fellow at Centre for Textile Research (CTR), Saxo Institute, and Museum of Copenhagen, receives an Elite Research travel grant of 200.000 DKK for long-term studies abroad in Australia and Canada.

Vivi Lena Andersen
Thursday, February 26th, the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science organizes this year’s Elite Research Conference in Copenhagen. Here, 20 Elite Research travel grants will be awarded for long-term studies abroad, and Vivi Lena Andersen, archaeologist at Centre for Textile Research (CTR), Saxo Institute, and Museum of Copenhagen, is among the recipients. She will use the grant to further develop her investigation of footwear, approximately 1200-1800 AD.
A non-traditional and innovative researcher
Vivi Lena Andersen is awarded the prize on the basis of a nomination, which emphasizes her great scientific work and the perspectives of her research:
- A unique quality of the thesis is the demonstration of how shoes clearly illustrate a development of perceptions of the body, creation of identity, gender and social status. The findings show that Copenhagen already in the 15th century had close connections to other European capitals, and it also illustrates medieval European consumer society, including how the citizens of Copenhagen adapted the European fashion to their own tastes and resources.
Vivi Lena Andersen’s ability to create innovative collaboration is also highlighted:
- The method used in the thesis furthermore reflects her innovative approach to research, because she involves contemporary shoemakers and simultaneously learn a craft. Her non-traditional cooperation with physiologists and podiatrists has led to new results, and it demonstrates her reflective approach to the material.Studies abroad with leading researcher and museum
Vivi Lena Andersen will use the Elite Research travel grant for two studies abroad. The first will be with one of the worlds’ leading experts in cultural historical and economic interpretation of footwear, Professor in Fashion Studies at University of Technology Sydney, Australia, Peter McNeil. At her research visit in Sydney, Vivi Lena Andersen will also be affiliated at The Powerhouse Museum where she will study the relevant and famous Joseph Box shoe collection and archive.
The second study abroad will be in Canada at the Bata Shoe Museum, Toronto, the
world’s largest museum for footwear, including collections from all over the world and all historical periods. Here, Vivi Lena Andersen will use the museum’s collection to gather comparative materials that can provide a new perspective on the Danish shoes in relation to international development, technical evolutions, and cultural historical trends.
- I am extremely happy and proud to receive an Elite Research travel grant. The studies abroad will give me the opportunity to further develop my research in cooperation with the world’s leading researchers and curators within this area, says Vivi Lena Andersen.
You can read more about the Elite Research grants at the website of the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science.
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Elite Research travel grant
The Elite Research travel grant is DKK 200.000 which is awarded to the very talented PhD Fellows for long-term studies in the best environments in the world. The Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science annually distributes up to 20 Elite Research travel grants.
Recipients of Elite Research prices are announced at the annual Elite Research conference where representatives from the royal family and ministers since 2006 have honoured the prize winners.
You can read more about the Elite Research grants at the website of the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science.