The book will be introduced briefly by its editors, Christopher S. Browning, Marko Lehti, and Johan Strang. This will be followed by comments from Rasmus Glenthøj, Associate Professor, SDU, and Louise Ridden, postdoctoral research fellow, Tampere University (tbc). The book launch is organized in co-operation with TAPRI, Tampere University and CENS, Helsinki University, and will be followed by a small reception.
Christopher S. Browning is Reader of Politics and International Studies at the University of Warwick, UK. Marko Lehti is Research Director at Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI), Tampere University, Finland. Johan Strang is Professor at the Centre for Nordic Studies (CENS), University of Helsinki, Finland.
The book is available open access, read more on the publisher´s website.
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