Expressions through Style: The Significance of Technique and Shape in Early Medieval Egyptian Tunics

Public digital defence of PhD thesis by Anne Kwaspen.

The digital defence will be live-streamed on a secure IT platform at the University of Copenhagen.

Assessment Committee

Associate professor Elsa Yvanez, Chair (University of Copenhagen)

Professor emerita Lise Bender Jørgensen Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Associate professor Mary Harlow (University of Leicester)

Moderator of the Defence

  • Tenure Track Assistant professor Wolfgang Filser (University of Copenhagen)

Printed copies of the thesis will soon be available for consultation at the following three places:

  • The Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library, KUB South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7
  • In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1
  • At the Saxo-Institute, Karen Blixens Plads 8, room 12-3-40