Embracing wild, restoring minds: a One Health approach to urban wild spaces, mental health and well-being in sustainable cities
A Sustainable Tuesdays event with Natalia Rodríguez Castañeda (University of Copenhagen/Trinity College Dublin).
Natalia Rodríguez Castañeda is an environmental and health anthropologist from Bogotá, Colombia, with studies in Anthropology of Health at the University of Copenhagen, and currently doing her PhD at Trinity College Dublin.
She is visiting the section of Landscape Architecture and Planning, UCPH, for the next three months. During this time, she will be continuing with her PhD research called: embracing wild, restoring minds. Her research explores, from an adapted One Health perspective, how urban green spaces, including wild spaces in cities, may help to promote human health, well-being, and biodiversity support.
Her research includes an interdisciplinary dialogue between social sciences, medical sciences and urban ecology.
Refreshments will be provided. Please register and receive the accompanying reading(s) by emailing Katy Overstreet by 24 September.