Nuclear-proof Communications?

The Cold War and the Governance of Telecommunications Security in NATO and Denmark

Public Defence of PhD thesis by Sanne Aagaard Jensen.





Once printed, the theis will be available for review at Copenhagen University Library.

Assessment Committee

  • Professor Poul Villaume (University of Copenhagen)
  • Dr. Elizabeth Bruton (Science Museum, London)
  • Dr. Magnus Linnarsson (Stockholm University)

Head of defense

  • Associate Professor Rasmus Mariager (University of Copenhagen)

The event will take place at ENIGMA - Museum for Post, Tele og Kommunikation, Øster Allé 1 and be held in English.

At the reception following the defense it will be possible to ask questions in Danish to the research project.


Admittance to the PhD defense is free of charge. However registration in advance is mandatory.

See the ENIGMA web page (in Danish only) for further details.