Nuclear-proof Communications?
The Cold War and the Governance of Telecommunications Security in NATO and Denmark
Public Defence of PhD thesis by Sanne Aagaard Jensen.
The PhD dissertation Nuclear-proof communications? examines how the Cold War brought about a new security policy dimension in the area of telecommunications. Drawing on the concept of ’technopolitics’, the dissertation analyses how different efforts to connect and protect telecommunications in NATO and one of the member states, Denmark, from the late 1940s through to the 1980s were shaped by both technological and political factors and came into being in a civilianmilitary interaction. The author argues that national tele administrations in Western Europe became involved in a new kind of transnational ’system-building’, since NATO’s internal communications largely relied on national resources. As the dissertation shows, this raised a number of dilemmas in Denmark on how to balance civilian-military communication needs, national security, and commercial interests. However, it also provided opportunities for prioritising civilian aspects in the extensive defence build-up. Moreover, the dissertation shows how new perceptions of vulnerability were integrated into communications planning in response to the nuclear threat – and directly catalysed by the NATO membership – but also how the perception of vulnerability was broadened over time to include many peacetime scenarios. In this way, the governance of telecommunications security extended beyond the security challenges directly related to the Cold War. In documenting a hitherto unexplored aspect of Cold War preparedness planning, the dissertation offers historical perspectives to ongoing discussions on the governance of critical infrastructures.
Ph.d.-afhandlingen Nuclear-proof communications? undersøger, hvordan Den Kolde Krig bibragte telekommunikationsområdet en ny sikkerhedspolitisk dimension. Ved hjælp af begrebet ‘technopolitics’ analyserer afhandlingen, hvordan forskellige tiltag til at forbinde og beskytte telekommunikationerne i NATO og et af medlemslandene, Danmark, fra slutningen af 1940erne og frem til 1980erne var formet af både teknologiske og politiske faktorer og blev til i et samspil mellem militære og civile myndigheder. Forfatteren argumenterer for, at teleadministrationerne i de vesteuropæiske NATO-lande blev involveret i en ny form for transnational ’system-building’, da NATO’s interne kommunikation i høj grad var baseret på nationale ressourcer. Afhandlingen viser, hvordan dette medførte en række dilemmaer i Danmark omhandlende balanceringen af civile-militære kommunikationsbehov, national sikkerhed og kommercielle interesser, men også muliggjorde prioritering af civile aspekter som en del af den omfattende forsvarsopbygning. Derudover viser afhandlingen, hvordan nye opfattelser af sårbarhed blev tænkt ind i kommunikationsplanlægningen som en konsekvens af atomtruslen – og direkte foranlediget af NATO-medlemsskabet – men også hvordan opfattelsen af sårbarhed over tid blev udvidet til at inkludere mange fredstidsscenarier. På denne måde rakte den sikkerhedspolitiske styring af teleområdet ud over de sikkerhedsmæssige udfordringer direkte relateret til Den Kolde Krig. Ved at dokumentere et hidtil uudforsket aspekt af beredskabsplanlægningen under Den Kolde Krig leverer afhandlingen historiske perspektiver til nuværende diskussioner om sikring af samfundskritisk infrastruktur.
Once printed, the theis will be available for review at Copenhagen University Library.
Assessment Committee
- Professor Poul Villaume (University of Copenhagen)
- Dr. Elizabeth Bruton (Science Museum, London)
- Dr. Magnus Linnarsson (Stockholm University)
Head of defense
- Associate Professor Rasmus Mariager (University of Copenhagen)
The event will take place at ENIGMA - Museum for Post, Tele og Kommunikation, Øster Allé 1 and be held in English.
At the reception following the defense it will be possible to ask questions in Danish to the research project.
Admittance to the PhD defense is free of charge. However registration in advance is mandatory.
See the ENIGMA web page (in Danish only) for further details.