Medical humanities: Contributions, new approaches and future pathways

The program focuses on the frontiers of humanities-driven health research, the impact of humanities on health science and health sector practices, and finally on future pathways for expanding the contribution of humanities health research in a Danish context.

In Denmark and abroad we see a grow­ing need for understanding the cultural, social, ethical and personal aspects of a range of health challenges in our society. This includes e.g. the transition to per­sonalized healthcare, improving mental health, equality of access to healthcare, bridging society and biotechnological innovations, and many other complex issues. The humanities hold the keys to answering a range of essential health questions and this symposium gathers prominent international and Danish scholars to present and debate the current contributions and future path­ ways of humanities health research.

The organizers welcome young and established health researchers from across disciplines and health professio­ nals alike to join the symposium.

Participation is free of charge. Registration is on a first-come first-served basis.

The deadline is 23 April 2019.

Read here for more information and registration

Keynote speakers

  • Mark Jackson, Exeter University, Prof. of History of Medicine
  • Thomas Fuchs, University of Heidelberg, Prof. of Philosophical Foundations of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
  • Stanley Ulijaszek, Oxford University, Prof. of Human Ecology
  • Roelien Bastiansee, University of Groningen, Prof. in Neurolinguistic
  • Stefan Timmermans, UCLA, Prof. of Sociology
  • Helga Jónsdóttir, University of Iceland, Prof. of Nursing Care

Short presentations

  • Klaus Høyer, University of Copenhagen, Prof. of Medical Science and Technology Studies
  • Anne-Marie Mai, University of Southern Denmark, Prof. of Literature
  • Jens Seeberg, University of Aarhus, Prof. (mso) of Anthropology
  • Keld Thorgaard, Aalborg University, Head of Dept. Learning and Philosophy
  • Astrid Jespersen, University of Copenhagen, Associate Prof. of Ethnology
  • Christina Fogtmann, University of Copenhagen, Associate Prof. of Psychology of Language
  • Kristian Martiny, University of Copenhagen, postdoc and research lab director
  • Dan Zahavi, University of Copenhagen & University of Oxford, Prof. of Philosophy
  • Klemens Kappel, University of Copenhagen, Prof. of Philosophy
  • Kasper Boye, University of Copenhagen, Associate Prof. of Linguistics


  • Dan Zahavi, University of Copenhagen & University of Oxford
  • Astrid Jespersen, University of Copenhagen
  • Klemens Kappel, University of Copenhagen