That's Offensive! Reflections on the regulation of expression in higher education
Frokostmøde ret og humaniora - Oplægsholder lektor Thomas Brudholm fra TORS - Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier.
Thomas Brudholm is Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen, Institute for Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies. Brudholm holds a PhD in philosophy and has previously been affiliated with several interdisciplinary research institutions, including the Danish Institute for International Studies, Danish Institute for Human Rights, and Center for Subjectivity Research. His main fields of expertise are within ethics and philosophy of law, genocide studies, transitional justice, and so-called ‘hate-studies'. Currently, Brudholm is focusing on debates about safe spaces and “victim culture" at universities around the world. Brudholm is the author of Resentment's Virtue: Jean Améry and the Refusal to Forgive (Temple UP 2008) and co-editor of several volumes, including Emotions and Mass Atrocity (Cambridge UP 2018), Hate, Politics, Law (Oxford UP 2018), and The Religious in Responses to Mass Atrocity (Cambridge UP 2009). Brudholm has contributed articles to, among others, Journal of Applied Philosophy, Law & Contemporary Problems, Journal of Human Rights, Criminal Law and Philosophy, and the Journal of Genocide Research.
Tid: 27. november 2018 , kl. 12.00 - 13.00
Sted: Mødelokale 5, 2. sal, rum 6A-2-40, Njalsgade 76, 2300 København S
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