Sustainable Archaeology: Western - 3D and VR Technologies and Applications
Guest lecture by Rhonda Bathurst, University of Western Ontario, Canada.
Virtual reality
Rhonda Bathurst will discuss the equipment available at Sustainable Archaeology in Canada, and she will demonstrate the types of research that has been done, as well as how she and her fellow researchers envision this equipment working together in a hub for 3D and Virtual Reality technology in archaeology in Ontario/Canada.
First Nation partners and the use of technology
Additionally, Rhonda Bathurst will also discuss some of the guiding principles recommended by some of Sustainable Archaeology’s First Nations partners in regards to the utilization of these forms of technology.
The lecture will take place Friday, September 25th, 14.15-16.00, in room 12.0.37, KUA 2, Karen Blixen Vej 4, DK-2300 Copenhagen S.
Other lectures by Rhonda Bathurst at the Saxo Institute: