Stefanie Langaa Jensen

Stefanie Langaa Jensen

Enrolled PhD student

Rooted in Prehistoric Archaeology my outlook has only expanded over the years. For me archaeology is sensuous, theoretical, creative, imaginative, methodology & evidence based, object centred, a skilled trade and yet intangible & ever-present. Archaeology is an inexhaustible fountain of curiosity. 

Current research

My current position as a PhD student at Museum Southeast Denmark & The University of Copenhagen allows me to examine and test different approaches to archaeological practice. As part of the research project The Timeline - Applied Archaeology in Køge Nord, I engage with the social impact of development-led archaeology in Denmark. The collective aim of the project is to challenge the traditional concept of archaeological knowledge in addition to rethinking the role and application of development-led archaeology in contemporary society.


The construction of the new urban area at Køge Nord has entailed extensive archaeological investigations that have resulted in a large amount of additional knowledge relating to past settlements in the area. We aim to apply this knowledge in the framing of a collective source for newcomers and existing inhabitants alike.


Through experiences gathered from this project, I aspire to develop a functional strategy for applied methods within the framework of Danish legislative archaeology. My focus is mainly aimed towards participative/public archaeology including co-creation and process-oriented field practices.


Read more about the project here:


F2024: Humanistic Theories in Materiality, MA-course

F2023: Contemporary Archaeology & The Study of the Recent Past, BA-research area

Fields of interest

  • Delevopment-led Archaeology
  • Archaeological Theory & Method
  • Contemporary Archaeology
  • Time & Temporalities
  • Effect & Affect
  • Materiality
  • Aesthetics
  • Interdisciplinarity
  • Experimental Archaeology

Modern Ruins

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